
Luke van den Hurk

Director, Chartered Accountant, Certificate of Public Practice

+ 64 9 523 0770

luke.vandenhurk@gvwaccountancy.nz Download V-card

Luke was educated in Auckland and has more than 25 years’ experience in mid-tier chartered accounting firms, including as a director / shareholder. Over this time he has developed expertise in business structuring, tax planning - both domestic & international, succession planning, trusts & estate planning, management accounting, financial projections & cashflow forecasting,

Luke provides pragmatic advice and services to a broad range of long-standing clients which include such industries as the medical sector, importation & wholesaling, retail, engineering, manufacturing, publishing, software development, property development and investment trusts. He has strong analytical and technical skills which provides his clients with a high level of assurance.

Outside of work, Luke enjoys his family, sailing, and surf skiing.


  • Level 1, 110 Carlton Gore Road,
  • Newmarket, Auckland 1023

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